April 2008
Factory Food, Salone del Mobile Milaan at Design Factory Brainport
Factory Food was specially designed for the most important design event of the year. It was based on combinations of Dutch and Italian flavours, liquorish and olives for example, want to know how this became tasty? See ‘work’, or download the press release..
For more information, go to: work
download the pressrelease here.

October 2007
Dutch Design Week, Eat Drink Design
Project with a link between designers and the Eindhoven catering industry. Presentation of the design for Ristorante Da Nello.
For more information, go to: work

October 2007
Dutch Design Week, 22+2 XPO & XTRA
22+2 is a project of Ann Maes & Richard Hutten. They gathered 22 designers from different disciplines to work together on one project. The designers were presented during the XPO (the Burial Cocoon) and the ‘Cooups’ during XTRA Taste Day.
For more information, go to: work

October 2007
Dutch Design Week, Food For Future Helmond
An afternoon filled with food design, together with GBO, students had made designs with regard to the food sector. Automotive showed a fresh view on mobility and the guests could enjoy a programme with lecturers from the food industry. I had the opportunity to conclude the day with a short talk about my own views on food design and invited all the guests to have a taste of it too. Together with Maison van den Boer I had developed one of my concepts which everybody spectacularly enjoyed!
For more information, go to: work

October 2006
Dutch Design Week, ‘peepshow’ in the Smalle Haven, Eindhoven.
I took care of the design of this temporary location and put together an interesting collection of different designers in order to show how special chairs and other pieces of furniture from young designers could equip public places like pubs and restaurants. The show floor was also used as a location for drinks and a place were the guests could taste the ‘peepshow-bites’.

September 2006
Exhibition ‘Die Dinge, After Cage’ at the Marres Museum, Maastricht.
A special food experience for the visitors on September 23th. Called ‘Cooups’ (Cold + Soups). A tasting of ‘boring’ ingredients updated to natural taste sensations!
For more information, go to: www.marres.org

April 2006
Salone del mobile Milan. ‘Post Mortem’ by Design Academy.
The ‘Burial Cocoon’ was selected for this exhibition and was presented during the design fair.

March 2006
Tripolis Book presentation & exhibition
Collection of the work of designers, artists and other creative people with roots in Limburg, the Netherlands. Presentation of the ‘Burial Cocoon’ and the ‘Cocktails & Companions’ crockery.
For more information, go to: www.tripolis-manifestatie.nl

October 2005
The graduation show of the Design Academy Eindhoven.
Both final projects were selected for a presentation during the show.